Saturday, December 31, 2011

IBS's Best of 2011: Top 10 Album Covers

10) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto - I'm not actually a big fan of Coldplay — especially not album — and I kind of hate the title, which literally means nothing, but... Wait, why did I pick this one? Eh, it's kinda pretty and I like it.
9) Chiddy Bang - Peanut Butter and Swelly - This album cover looks like something I would make. That is, it includes peanut butter sandwiches and puns. That's really all I need.
8) Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will - They really could've arranged these words any way they wanted on the cover, and I would have put it on this list.
7) Washed Out - Within and Without - This picture comes from a Cosmo article titled, "Is This the Most Satisfying Sexual Position?" so I'm not sure what else I need to write here.
6) Tyler, The Creator - Goblin - This was actually the deluxe version, technically, but I think of it as the main album cover. It's classic, yet fresh. If they were aiming for simple and effective pop art, they hit it on the head.
5) Cut Copy - Zonoscope - Maybe it's the fact that it reminds me of "The Day After Tomorrow" (which I apparently kind of liked for some reason?) or maybe it's because I have a T-shirt with this design on it, but I really like this cover, whatever the reasoning.
4) Battles - Gloss Drop - Whenever I see this, I think of Big League Chew, which is awesome. So, by transitive property, this album cover is also awesome.
3) We Were Promised Jetpacks - In the Pit of the Stomach - I really wanna love this Scottish group because of their amazing band name, but, like real jet packs, they've kind of let me down. But they made up for it a little bit with this cool cover.
2) Mastodon - The Hunter - I've never actually listened to Mastodon, and now I'm not going to because there's no way in hell it could live up to this epic album cover.
1) Iron & Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean - This one reminds me of a picture you would design with something you bought off an informercial. I guess I just really like albums with lots of bright colors on the cover, which I suppose is a side affect when you're this secure in your masculinity.

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